About CesTek

Always Focusing on Optimising Capacity, Quality and Work Environment

In CesTek A/S, you will find a partner who understands the value of top tuned production machinery where each process works effectively and flawlessly. When we have an automation project to take care of, we always focus directly on optimising capacity, quality and work environment.

 An automation solution from CesTek will always lead to one or more improvements concerning uptime, throughput, waste reduction, quality assurance, traceability and other parameters of vital importance for the success of your firm and its competitiveness.

 When you meet our automation specialists you will soon discover, that our team consists of industry experienced experts with vast knowhow about manufacturing. We are used to working in industry and understand how to adapt to different production environments – right from wastewater treatment plants to the production within the Pharma industry.

 Based on our goal of being the customer’s number one solution provider, we make much of including our customers and their unique knowledge in our solution. By combining our customer’s knowledge with our specialties, we create a solution that is 100% customised to our customer’s specific conditions.


In Continuous Growth

CesTek is founded by two entrepreneurial automation technicians, who shared a vision of creating a national automation business with outstanding knowhow. CesTek have never strayed from that vision and recruit employees with particular specialties and/or exceptional educational backgrounds with in technical industry, automation and/or programming.

Today CesTek consists of +35 employees and is still growing.


Q3-24: CesTek takes over activities from TMS and expands with a mechanical department and 5 employees

Q1-24: CesTek expands the management and welcomes Thomas Jansen as new CEO and partner.

CesTek has now reached a point where there is a need to distribute work tasks differently in order to release the growth potential, so Morten Bodilsen takes on the role of Chief Sales Officer (CSO), Brian Rise takes on the role of Chief Operation Officer (COO) and Brian Villekjær Chief Technical Officer (CTO).

The new initiatives give CesTek even more opportunities to grow in collaboration with our employees, partners and customers.

Our company’s largest order landed in 2022, which provides perfect take of for the growth we want,
We expanded our collab with a lot of our loyal customers, we did more projects, and they started to hire more of our staff on a permanent basis.
We expanded the knowledge of the mobile robots in the Danish production universe so now we have installations throughout Denmark
2022 was the year we came out with our own accessory line of tops for mobile robots. Luckily something our global customers loved.
The accessory line was sold and shipped to Great Britain, Spain, USA, as well as interest from customers in Mexico, The Philippines and Switzerland

CesTek buys the property on Bogensevej in Slagelse and expands the workshop capacity considerably.

The staff is +30 and once again the customer portfolio is proliferated. Our focus on collaborative and mobile robots continues and we have made exciting project during the year and new projects are ready for January 2023

We do look proudly back on 2022 despite Covid-19.
CesTek adds exciting customers to the portfolio, which confirms that our plan focusing on servo, collaborative and mobile robots was right. Together with VOLA and Omron we win DIRA Automation Award for the implementation of a fleet of 9 mobile robots.

Later this year we receive our second Boersen Gazelle award. Once again it reminds us that our strategy is still correct and that we can grow, despite Corona and our focus on customers competitiveness pays off.

Is the year where a professional board is made. The year is also marked by relocations. The offices becomes too small. The office in Skaelskoer moves to Bogensevej 9 in Slagelse which means more office space and a large workshop. CesTek Horsens also grew out of space and has a 500 m2 domicile om Hattingvej 7C.
At the end of 2019 CesTek receives our first Boersen Gazelle award

The customer portfolio and staff of employees are growing.
CesTek begins to have increased focus on collaborative and mobile robots.

CesTek employs a CEO and the group of owners expands to 5 equal partners. CesTek employs yet 3 more programmers and now have some of the country’s finest experts in Servo and programming.

These recruitments mean that CesTek can take care of all types of automation projects and run in plants all around the world

The number of employees still increase and now consists of specialists in BMS solutions (Business Management Systems that combine ventilation, heating, lights, fuses etc. to one solution that can be managed from one centre).

CesTek expands by offering HMI/Scada and Servo solutions. The group of owners grow and CesTek set up shop in Jutland.

CesTek was founded in Skælskør.

Vision, Mission and Values



Within the next 10 to 15 years, CesTek will have a foremost position and be the automation company in Denmark, who industry customers see as a serious supplier of their automation projects. It is our wish to be the automation supplier with the most outstanding competences within the specials, we choose.



In everything that we do – every day – it is our job to go all in in improving our customers’ productivity and competitiveness. Whether we are drawing up electrical documentation for a switchboard, programming a PLC or commissioning a robot, our main goal is for the customer to produce more effectively and with a better quality.


We have adopted a set of core values that we can have in mind when making complex decisions. Our values help us make the right decision for our company.

 Our values function as guidelines for the way we conduct ourselves and for our daily communication with customers, partners and with each other internally in the company.


We always keep our promise and believe that a cooperation is most successful when all parts trust each other and work towards a common good. Our customers can always rely on us customising the precise solution that we believe, they need – neither more, nor less.


Despite our highly specialised skills, we believe in simplicity – both when it comes to a specific assignment and when we communicate. We are easy to work with and strive towards the simplest, most effective and safe solution.


We carry on until everything works and we always go out of our way for our customers and each other. We never give up and always find an alternative solution if needs or conditions change.


Contact us

Contact us today for a constructive conversation about how we can help increase productivity in your company.